Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Some Posts (11 22 2022)

Post 01:

If you were involved with Elon Musk while I was an INCEL manchild, with no money, in solitude... I should either reject you or constantly cheat.

Post 02:

I realize if I wasn't being protected in simulation, I'd be dead. If I went viral, I'd not just die metaphorically, also literally. Elon Musk is the one protecting me from death. But I'm not happy you were involved with a billionaire while I wasted the last 20 years in solitude.

Post 03:

I love Bun Bun, we're intellectual equals, genuinely care about each other. I suffered too much to be in a relationship with her. I can't relate to the billionaire lifestyle. I'll get jealous of her past with Elon Musk. I wasted 20 years in solitary hell. Do I need get over it?

Post 04:

I'm going to wind up with Bun Bun. She was involved with Elon Musk. My "fans" will mock me that she was involved with him before me while I was in solitude. I either need to accept it or find somebody better for me. I won't find somebody better for me. It won't make me happy.

Post 05:

I realize she went crazy after being involved with Elon Musk. Just accept it? Don't compare my life to hers. Love her and sympathize with her flaws and past. It definitely not something to proudly display on her dating resume. Can someone tell me what the truth actually is?

Post 06:

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson said, "don't forget to forget the person who forgot you." They're plenty of names that jump right out of friends and family members. Soon I'm about to be extremely successful, they'll come back, a few years ago they wanted nothing to do with me at all.

Post 07:

I probably should've died back in 2008 from my recklessness. They were mockingly preparing for my funeral instead of intervening. But I didn't die. Now I get to expose what they did and say "FUCK YOU" 15 years later. They would have portrayed me as troubled at the funeral.

Post 08:

It's true. Bun Bun was a sugar baby for one of the richest people in the world. Was used, discarded, then went crazy. I helped her come back to life. The billionaire was a bully. It's KIND OF like what I went through in school. Will Bun Bun and I date again? Yes. Accept her.

Post 09:

Nobody rocks my world with intensity like Bun Bun. I can try to date other women, but so far nobody has made me feel the way she did. I miss her. Love her.

Post 10:

Was Bun Bun a sugar baby in college? Yes. Did it break her? Yes. Did she go crazy from it? Yes. Have they been conspiring for me and her to fall in love, then she'll reveal the truth? Yes. I don't like it, but she's the only person I want to see. Just accept her past.

Post 11:

The billionaire hurt Bun Bun and was a psychopath. She's not happy about what she did and regrets knowing him. It was traumatic and led to her going insane. I was wasting my life in a solitary INCEL daydreamland, but at least I wasn't being sadistically tortured by a bully.

Post 12:

I have a feeling Bun Bun is getting ready to surprise me. Don't get disappointed if she doesn't. Expect nothing. We'll see if what I SUSPECT happens. It would make me very happy to see you.

Post 13:

If you're spending the night in my old bedroom, I you're not too tortured listening to my mom and stepdad all night long. I had to deal with that ALL DAY LONG for years. Maybe I'm going to get the surprise of a lifetime in the morning. Or maybe Bun Bun is in NYC and no surprise.

Post 14:

Without going into too much detail, I have a good feeling Bun Bun is planning to surprise me, she'll reveal she's actually about my age, extremely rich, and we'll spend days just her and I together for Thanksgiving. We'll see if my SUSPICION is correct, but I SUSPECT she's near.

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