Thursday, November 10, 2022

Some Posts (11 09 2022 - 11 10 2022)

November 9, 2022:

Post 01:

Vince McMahon was always SUSPICIOUSLY hot over Shawn Michaels when doing his commentary. I SUSPECT they had a consensual gay affair. Hey, it worked out for Michaels. He's upper management in WWE now, practically runs the company under Triple H, like a member of the McMahon family

Post 02:

A lot of people didn't want to take Brock Lesnar seriously in the UFC because he came from the WWE. You might say he was given opportunities because of his fame. But he still had to win the UFC Heavyweight Championship. That's excelling at MMA on the highest level. Legit badass

Post 03:

In defense of people in the MMA and UFC community who hated Brock Lesnar coming from fantasy fake fighting and excelling in the UFC. If you put me in the octagon, if you put Elon Musk in the octagon, hell if you put CM Punk in the octagon - we'd all get our ass kicked quickly.

Post 04:

Brock Lesnar is an example of somebody coming from fantasy fake fighting and succeeding at MMA on the highest level. He was always a freak athlete in the WWE and extremely impressive, but everybody wanted to underestimate him. He's an exception that will never happen again.

Post 05:

I don't have any enemies that I'm aware of at the moment, but for an absurd comedy, it would be funny if we got Dana White to agree to host a fight in the UFC octagon between two extremely unathletic people that just simply don't like each other. Imagine the ticket sales.

Post 06:

Dana White would never agree to host the fight. It has the potential to go extremely wrong. It will turn his company into a laughing stock. People could get hurt. Negligence lawsuits. But for a fantasy comedy it would be funny.

Post 07:

Just because someone isn't rich and famous doesn't mean that person doesn't mean significantly more to a person than the celebrity. The celebrity could've been a bully. The ordinary person could've helped them recover from the trauma the bully put them through. Fake kings!

Post 08:

We can't change the past and mistakes we may have made, but we can change today and try to make a better future... 

Thanks Captain obvious.

Post 09:

I'm sorry for being selfish and making this about myself.

Post 10:

Although it might not be the time or place for it right now. Be prepared because I'm totally going to get confronted about the social media posts in person. It's not coming through a call or text message. They'll be no where for me to run and I'll have to explain myself.

Post 11:

I'm totally going to get cursed out and yelled at, but if I don't go I might as well say she's no longer my friend

Post 12:

Maybe I'll disappear for a week and say I was in the psychiatric hospital, that way I avoid the confrontation. She's totally going to scream at me in person for

November 10, 2022:

Post 01:

I don't know how brutal you're planning to be on me, but if I go, and you plan to confront me... PLEASE go easy on me. I understand some harsh words need to be said, but please understand the solitary hell, feeling like I'm dying, that made me say them. I'm sorry. I needed help.

Post 02:

If she screams at me and my dad takes me, then I'll start screaming at my dad for his lies and gaslighting. This whole thing could potentially become one big trainwreck. Maybe I should just say I was hospitalized and move on.

Post 03:

I'm low-key scared of her, but we love each other, and I want to be here for her during a difficult time, not lose her as my friend. If I don't go, THE FRIENDSHIP IS OVER. I basically haven't seen her in a year already - so it won't be a big adjustment if I don't go.

Post 04:

I discovered if you do the right thing and expect nothing in return, you have no hidden agenda, you're just being nice out of the goodness of your heart, people can tell it's genuine kindness and they'll remember it. They'll also remember negative things, so do the right thing.

Post 05:

I can run from her, but can't hide. In the end, she's going to catch me and scream at me. I could have it easy now, or choose not to go, and have a hard months from now. But I won't be able to permanently erase her from my life. We're meant to be together. Soulmates.

Post 06:

Maybe I'll enter with my mom and stepdad, so if she yells at me, my mommy will be there to protect me. And if she doesn't yell, I did the right thing and keep her as my friend.

Post 07:

This post was me selfishly thinking about myself, I wasn't mentalizing what you're going through. I thought: If I go what will prevent my from getting screamed at? My mom and stepdad being right next to me.

Post 08:

Try to empathize and feel badly about my best friend. This is not about me in any way.

Post 09:

I'm sorry you know me. I wish I could be a better friend. You deserve someone who will FEEL THE PAIN you're going through, understand, and cry next to you. Not someone who selfishly makes it all about himself.

Post 10:

Dr. Natural said: "your ex-girlfriend is simply who she is, a person, who like you, has been dealt some difficult cards in life.  As I think you know, your tendency to daydream and imagine her to be someone other than who she really is puts your relationship with her at risk."

Post 11:

Dr Natural said: "No one likes being falsely accused of being a deceiver.  It would be very sad indeed if your daydreaming gets the upper hand and washes away one of the best real things that has happened to you in recent years." (Which is my relationship with my ex-girlfriend)

Post 12:

Dr Natural said: If what your ex-girlfriend says is true, "that should be the focus of any interactions you might have with her at this time." Nothing else matters.

Post 13:

It's so fucking sad.

Post 14:

When people deceive you, at some point you no longer know what's reality and what's their web of lies. It's best to be up front and honest because once trust is broken - can it ever be repaired? It feels like BETRAYAL.

Post 15:

I know you're sad, empty, depressed, looking for comfort from a loved one. If you're expecting me to be your hero, prepare to be disappointed, I might let you down. You deserve the best. To be happy. I love you. I'm sorry.

Post 16:

If I don't see bun bun and comfort her in her time of need, I'm making a big mistake. She's the one for me. She was there for me and gave me the time of my life. She carried me when I needed help. So be there when she needs me because I love her. Don't disappoint her.

Post 17:

You're a tough badass. Be there for her. Make her feel loved. She did that for me.

Post 18:

When I was at rock bottom, bun bun carried me, helped me mature, and gave me the time of my life. I owe her. I don't think she had a hidden agenda and expects me to repay her. But it's the right thing I do it. I love her.

Post 19:

If bun bun needs me to carry her, get her on my back, and carry her wherever she needs to go. She did that for me. There was no hidden agenda. She doesn't expect me to repay her. There's not many people in the world who'll selflessly carry you out of the goodness of their heart.

Post 20:

I need to carry bun bun, but to be honest, I'm not sure where she needs to go. I'll give her love, support, and comfort in her time of need. Maybe I'll learn more about where she needs me to carry her to.

Post 21:

Why do I think it was actually bun bun who was dying, she's no longer alive, and I proceeded to miss her birthday? Please God make that fantasy.

Post 22:

I'm about to have the worst fucking day of my life.

Post 23:

Why didn't you tell me? I would've been there.

Post 24:

I hope it's fantasy because if I discover it was actually you who passed away, it'll be fucking HORRIBLE.

Post 25:

The memories I shared with you were magical and irreplaceable. I think back to the wholesome fun we had, I smile and my heart becomes warm. It was unlike anything I experienced prior or since. I hope we both have special days ahead of us.

Post 26:

I'm so sorry that I missed your birthday.

Post 27:

If it's really you, you taught me to love and trust again, it'll be the hardest I'll ever cry in my life. It'll be so intense. I hope it's not you.

Post 28:

You said "I'm dying" at the MET Museum once. You didn't expect me to pick up on it, but I did. When I asked if you were really dying you said "no."

Post 29:

Oh my God, I hope it's not true. I did realize how magical the time was, but I didn't realize it was fleeting, time was running out. I was under the impression the warm happy days would continue for a long time to come.

Post 30:

I think back to our time together and get an indescribable feeling from the memories. It's like a warm, fuzzy feeling. I can't even put it into words. But they were the best days of my life. I'm very sorry we barely saw each other this year.

Post 31:

It's too bad we never got to participate at Manhattan Neighborhood Network. COVID-19 ruined that. It ruined a lot of great things abruptly. I hope you're ok. It's not secretly you. I hope it's not too late to enjoy time with you. We had a lot of fun. We should've had even more.

Post 32:

What's a celebrity or an important person? What's more important a billionaire who is a bully? Or your psychiatrist, friend, or parent who helps you recover? If someone saves your life, who cares who used and bullied them? Their past doesn't make the act of kindness less genuine.

Post 33:

If what I SUSPECT is true, I knew my ex-girlfriend in college (2009ish), and we interacted BRIEFLY. She's about my age, maybe a year or two younger. She was a billionaire's sugar baby. That's the trauma that made her become very sick.

Post 34:

My ex-girlfriend has been secretly following me for about 15 years because she could see I was a lost soul too. She basically gave me lots of hints. Told me without telling me.

Post 35:

She let one of the richest men in the world use and bully her while she was in college, but was traumatized by it, regretted it, and proceeded to do something tremendous for me (saved my life) with the hopes of turning me into her future husband. She dropped hints to tell me.

Post 36:

... I don't like that she was a sugar baby to a billionaire, but after all she has done for me... Gave me the time of my life, saved my life, genuinely loved me... How can I reject her?

Post 37:

Dr. Natural said: "Your ex-girlfriend seems a fine person, by your description, but.....why would Elon Musk date a psychiatric patient at Fountain House when he is rich enough to have his pick of the most beautiful talented fashion models in the world?"

Post 38:

Dr. Natural said: "Andrew, your claim makes no sense.   The only link between Elon Musk and your ex-girlfriend is the connection you make in your daydream.  You are drawn to a daydream world of celebrities that overlap with real people in you life, like her."

Post 39:

Dr. Natural said: "Obsession about Musk and your ex-girlfriend wastes time better focused on the hard work of your recovery which involves socializing with actual people."

Post 40:

I love my ex-girlfriend and want to support her during this difficult time, but I think it might be wise if I didn't attend. Hopefully, that doesn't completely destroy the friendship because I do care about her. I'm just sick and going on delusional rants on social media.

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