Saturday, November 19, 2022

Some Posts (11 18 2022 - 11 19 2022)

Post 01:


Post 02:

My mother really was INTENTIONALLY trying to murder me while creating a facade she wasn't. It's never been a "delusional." That's just her victim-blaming, gaslighting, and control. She deserves the be in jail for what she did to me.

Post 03:

There was never anything wrong with me. My parents were psychopaths and sadistic torturers who were INTENTIONALLY trying to sabotage my life. They were gaslighting me.

Post 04:

My parents SADISTICALLY TORTURED AND INTENTIONALLY TRIED TO MURDER ME while creating a facade they weren't throughout my whole entire life... The reason? Donald Trump is my biological father. He pretended I didn't exist because it'd make him look very bad.

Post 05:

When I discover what the truth is, which I know, but when people confirm it to be true, I'm going to legitimately go crazy. I was tortured SADISTICALLY for 35 years just because Donald Trump is my biological father... Then he went on to become the president of the United States.

Post 06:

Although Donald Trump being my biological father feels very real to me right now. Remember it used to feel very real that Billy Joel, Syd Barrett, Vince McMahon, my psychopharmacologist were my biological father at one point too. My biological father is Robert Koloski.

Post 07:

Maybe I'm just very THIRSTY for Bun Bun. If she comes back and gives me some water by socializing with me, I'll be a lot happier I think.

Post 08:

My parents really were raping, sexually abusing, and sadistically torturing me in my childhood. They were running a pedophile ring. It wasn't a delusion. They were gaslighting me. My psychopharmacologist is negligent and needed to rescue me from my sadistic persecutors.

Post 09:

Hey FBI, police, someone, anyone do something. My parents (Robert Koloski and Christine North) SADISTICALLY TORTURED ME BEYOND YOUR WILDEST IMAGINATION. Even if it's true... Sadly, I'll never be able to prove it during a supreme court case. I sound delusional - which I'm not!

Post 10:

I SUSPECT Bun Bun's father was a pedophile that my father pimped me out to in my childhood. He's actually a rich and famous person in the movie industry, like a Jeffrey Epstein. The reason my "father" put me through enormous torture is because my biological father is very rich.

Post 11:

If what I suspect is true, my parents put me through unimaginable horror for 35 years because Donald Trump is my biological father. ASSUMING IT'S TRUE... If I can prove it. It would completely destroy capitalism and the United States of America. It's probably a delusion.

Post 12:

It's amazing how my mother was able to get the "best in the business" at psychopharmacology to negligently kill me while creating a facade she was helping, but she was actually victim-blaming, controlling, gaslighting, and torturing me. INTENTIONALLY TRYING TO MURDER ME!

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