Sunday, November 6, 2022

Some Posts (11 05 2022 – 11 06 2022)

November 5, 2022:

Post 01:

Unless you have some master plan... When you confirm the truth I SUSPECT, I don't see this ending any other way besides me flying into a rage and ending badly for you and my father... And obviously me too. Maybe you should continue lying and gaslighting until the moment I die.

Post 02:

I have my father shook and uncomfortable lately. Frankly, I'm about to snap on him WITHOUT knowing the lies - just because I hate him and we've only scratched the surface into what a sadistic monstrous psychopath he is. I DARE YOU TO TELL ME THE TRUTH! That's all I can say.

Post 03:

My dad sadistically bullied me and is responsible for wasting 20 years in solitude, losing the best years, while making me out to be a buffoonish laughingstock. There's no denying it. Nothing matters anymore. I likely have cancer. I'm dead inside. No riches or fame matter.

Post 04:

Even if it's very bad, try not to get overtaken with my father is SADISTIC SATAN thoughts... Then fly into a rage and do something I'll regret. He's not worth going to jail over. He's old and his life is practically over. Maybe avoid him so I don't go into an angry tsunami.

Post 05:

I'm not sure who creates the clothes I wear, where they're created, etc. But I'd like to have a conversation with you about it. Fortunately, I have no budget at the moment, so I have to wear relatively inexpensive clothes. I find you really inspiring. I'll listen and respect you.

November 6, 2022:

Post 01:

In revisionist history maybe you'll say, "oh I didn't think Andrew would die in 2009", but you totally did. You were taking photographs humorously preparing for the funeral.

Post 02:

I'm coming to a realization, although my father was absentee and probably started another family, the psychopath who was intentionally trying to murder me while creating the facade she wasn't was my mother. She got sadistic pleasure from my suffering. It's a fact.

Post 03:

Was my mother gaslighting and victim-blaming me? Yes. Was she even trying to kill me? Yes. Was it intentional sadistic torture? Yes. Will I ever be able to prove it during a supreme court case? There's no chance in hell. Accept I just had an abusive and horrible mother.

Post 04:

If you could put your parents in jail for abusing, controlling, and killing you, the court would be filled with people who had horrible parents. If it's any consolation, helps me get closure, or is some form of empowerment, maybe think of myself as The Joker from a Batman.

Post 05:

In public, my mother is like a politician who lies. She paints herself out to be an innocent victim, victim-blames everyone else like they're the problem, but behind closed doors my mother is really a SADISTIC MONSTER! She's the problem and has likely killed me with her torture.

Post 06:

Did I want to take all those unnecessary psychiatric medications? No! My mother FORCED me to take them. Although she didn't have a gun to my head and force me to put the pills in mouth, she threatened me with homelessness. We were also enmeshed. I told her literally everything.

Post 07:

They brings up the argument in my mother's sick and twisted mind, did she think the mega regimen of psychiatric medications that she got my psychopharmacologist to prescribe were helping me? Or was she actually intentionally trying to murder me by controlling me into taking them?

Post 08:

I know the answer to the question, my mother CONFIRMED through talking in metaphors back in 2017, how she SUSPECTED the psychiatric medications were likely giving me cancer and didn't care. Did they psychopharmacologist think they were helping? Who knows? Maybe he needs them.

Post 09:

I don't know if the psychopharmacologist was delusional and thought his medications were helping? Or if he's like a lawyer who is receiving a massive paycheck, he KNEW my mother was the problem, but figured I was doomed and it didn't matter an innocent victim was being tortured?

Post 10:

This is no delusion. The only reason we've even said that for so long is because of my mother's gaslighting, victim-blaming, and SADISTIC TORTURE. She was INTENTIONALLY trying to kill me and sabotage my life. My psychopharmacologist was negligent and needed to rescue me.

Post 11:

There was a political ad, the local politician painted himself out to be like Jesus, all the families love him, and if you don't vote for him you're making a big mistake. He portrayed his opponent as Satan. My dad and I found it humorous. The truth is really shades of grey.

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