Thursday, November 24, 2022

Some Posts (11 24 2022)

Post 01:

I THOUGHT the social media model was Bun Bun, now I think it's YP. If that's true, WOW THAT'S INCREDIBLE. 

I think I met her back in 2013 at Stony Brook University. Worked together with her in a Marketing class. Unless this is daydreams and suspicions becoming real.

Post 02:

Maybe YP can advocate for my human rights, I shouldn't be dependent on my parents at 35 years old. She should tell the powers that be to make me a billionaire so I can have FREEDOM.

Post 03:

EVERYONE knows my mother's the fucking problem here. Unfortunately, I'm dependent on a psychopath who is gaslighting and victim-blaming me. Give me freedom from this cunt RIGHT NOW. What the fuck are my liberators waiting for? Me to waste my whole life? Make me a billionaire.

Post 04:

I'm done with my parents shit. I don't fucking care anymore. I'm not taking psychiatric medications. I hope it ends with riches, fame, and superstardom. Intervene and help me. Frankly, any change is better than this hell. This game is over. I can't take this nightmare anymore.

Post 05:

My mother was trying to say I wanted to take the mega regimen of psychiatric medications that I took for about ten years. Bullshit. It was her and the psychopharmacologist. Who'd want to be on the whole pharmacy? If they argued I needed it, they're wrong, but it's an argument.

Post 06:

Were my mother and the psychopharmacologist wrong? Yes. Will I ever be able to prove in the supreme court they've likely harmed me? Nope. Accept and let it go. Maybe I'll get freedom from my victim-blaming controlling mother soon because it's like a prison here. I should be rich.

Post 07:

I'm 35 years old. My chains are internal, not maternal. How is my mother supposed to meet a girlfriend for me? When babies are hungry they blame their mother because their mother feeds them. My mother CAN'T feed me a girlfriend or a life. It's my responsibility to create one.

Post 08:

Socialization and self-esteem in the real world is more effective than any psychiatric medication. Solitude is horrible for living in a daydream fantasyland. Human interaction is the best cure for living alone in my head and blurring fantasy and reality (delusions).

Post 09:

My parents are liars, psychopaths, and were gaslighting me. There was no need for the psychiatric medications, at least not as much as they were FORCING me to take. In their warped mind were they trying to help me? Or were they secretly trying to kill me?

Post 10:

I'm so done here. I'm tired of being dependent on psychopaths. I know my psychiatrist says it could be worse. I could be homeless like many people at the Fountain House. I'm lucky my parents provide me with an apartment. Regardless, it's not living the dream. It's HELL ON EARTH!

Post 11:

I know as of this moment we say the pain in my neck and face isn't diagnosed as ALS yet, maybe it's a pinched nerve in the neck, or something not as serious... I SUSPECT this is the beginning of the end of my life. We'll see if my SUSPICIONS are correct and it gets diagnosed soon

Post 12:

IF I have ALS, the psychopharmacologist probably neurologically damaged my mind with the mega regimen of psychiatric medications. Will I be able to prove in court he's responsible for me having ALS? There's no chance in hell. Did I even want to take that unnatural trash? Nope.

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