Friday, November 4, 2022

Some Posts (11 04 2022)

November 4, 2022:

Post 01:

If you were involved with a billionaire while I was suffering, I should reject you, and find somebody else. Frankly, I need no one. I can make myself successful all by myself. It hurts and is humiliating knowing you were all having fun while I wasted my life. I'm probably dead.

Post 02:

Do I need to accept you had a past and were living life? It's not normal to be in a solitary fantasyland. I can't be angry at the world for living life while I wasn't. You match my intensity. You're also brilliant. We get along well. You're perfect for me. I still don't like it.

Post 03:

There will be NO ONE I'll ever connect with quite like you. We're on the same wavelength. I'm lucky I found you. Who cares who you were involved with and what you did prior? Then again I care a lot. It really bothers me. I don't know if I can get past it. I feel betrayed, lied to

Post 04:

I know you've been doing something tremendous for me that you don't have to do at all. Thank you. It really shouldn't matter your past. We genuinely love each other. They'll never be anyone else who'll do what you did for me. Who cares if you were involved with a billionaire?

Post 05:

I don't know if I wish I never met you or if it's the best thing that'll ever happen to me. Probably the latter. But you had the tremendous secrets you kept from me while getting me attached to you. I should totally reject you and find somebody else.

Post 06:

Whatever. I don't like it. But I love you. You're really the only one I want to see who'll make me happy. I've missed you so much this year. We shouldn't have separated like this for so long. Now it's time for us to reunite. I'll accept your flaws like you accept all of mine.

Post 07:

Who am I kidding? I love you too much. You're my best friend.

Post 08:

When I start to get jealous, feel insecure, like she's not my friend... Remember that I have the best girlfriend. She truly loves me and is about to do something tremendous for me. I can count on her. I'm lucky that a found genuine love with such a brilliant cutie.

Post 09:

Bun bun is on my team. She's my friend for life. She'll make it right. Actually, I let her down by never giving her the birthday gifts. Sorry cutie.

Post 10:

I have a feeling you're about to scare the shit out of me when I least expect it. It's like we're pretending the secrets don't exist even though we all know it's real. When we enter a relationship for real, let's be completely open and honest with each other in the future. Ok?

Post 11:

My parents like their "Andrew is becoming a Super villain" narrative. I'm actually fed up about their lies and gaslighting. I'm not being passive about it. I'm confronting them about it. They like to be in control and want to write my story. The truth makes them uncomfortable.

Post 12:

My father likes making me a buffoonish laughing stock. He finds blatant lies and gaslighting funny. I always knew he was lying. He just intimidated me for so many years. I wasn't as oblivious as he thought. Now I don't care anymore. I won't let that psychopath abuse me anymore.

Post 13:

When my parents say "Andrew is becoming a super villain" - what they SHOULD say is we neglected him, allowed him to waste his life in a solitary fantasyland, now he realizes we're psychopaths who've probably killed him. Frankly, he's sick of acting like a passive buffoon.

Post 14:

I've been out of space on Google. Whatever. I'll pay the $1.99 / month for your 100 GB. Capitalism is evil. Then again, I pay $8 every day for Starbucks. Why do I refuse to pay this relatively reasonable fee? Maybe because it WAS free for so long, now they're charging.

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