Sunday, November 13, 2022

Some Posts (11 13 2022)

November 13, 2022:

Post 01:

I'm completely ruining their bullying because they expected me to get angry and seek vengeance. Instead, I'm expressing the pain I lived through in was that makes you empathize with me. It makes them look like shithead psychopaths. Don't play their game and get on their level.

Post 02:

They HATE what I'm doing because they're psychopaths who lack empathy, tortured me, and I'm exposing it clear as day by empathetically expressing the pain I lived through. They want me to fly into a rage, scream, shout, because that way they can justify what they did to me.

Post 03:

Defeat them by exposing how I was and still am a good person... And how they're sadistic monsters who bullied me. They want me to act like a buffoon or fly into a rage. Instead, get very serious and honestly express the hell I lived through. It makes them look like garbage.

Post 04:

What looks worse for the psychopaths... You bully someone and they turn into "Adolf Hitler"? Nobody empathizes with Hitler. Or you bully someone and they metaphorically die like Owen Hart? The Owen Hart ending makes the psychopaths look so much worse. It becomes horrible.

Post 05:

I feel bad for Bun Bun because she understands the concept of empathy and will feel extremely guilty if I metaphorically die. My parents don't understand that concept. If I die they won't care and will justify it in their minds. They'll create a bullshit victim-blaming narrative.

Post 06:

Bun Bun had been secretly following and interacting with me through the internet since 2008, she fell in love with my mind, then dated Elon Musk, and proceeded to watch me metaphorically die. Now EVERYONE wants to die because they feel so guilty.

Post 07:

What Bun Bun did was even worse than cheating, she left me in a solitary fantasyland at my mother's house. It wasn't her responsibility to rescue me. She did proceed to intervene in 2019. Better late than never. Nothing matters anymore, nobody impresses me, and I'm probably dying

Post 08:

Something is seriously wrong with my neck and esophagus. My blood work at the physical came back normal. He felt the lymph node and didn't notice anything. I was diagnosed with EoE at the gastrologist in June. Could it be an impending heart attack? Stroke? I want to feel better.

Post 09:

If I spontaneously drop dead, it was a pleasure knowing everyone. If there's an afterlife, I'll watch over you like a guardian angel, Bun Bun. Of course you'll feel bad losing your true-blue best friend, but don't feel guilt. I love you. I won't forget you unless it's darkness.

Post 10:

I need some help, Bun Bun. Ironic, isn't it? Maybe I should've helped you.

Post 11:

I knew Bun Bun was extremely cool, but she kept secret from me how cool she actually was.

Post 12:

Hopefully I can get these esophagus problems under control and feel better. It's important to be fun and give off positive energy. If I act like a downer nobody wants to be around me.

Post 13:

My girlfriend and future wife, who will return, is like an angel. ;)

Post 14:

I'm not really sure why you love me so much, Bun Bun, but I love you very much too.

Post 15:

I don't know what the future will hold, but if it goes according to plan... I got so lucky. I'm going to be dating my best friend and will be in an awesome relationship. I can't wait until Bun Bun returns. Love you.

Post 16:

I look back on my content from 2016 (when moving to Massapequa) - July 2019 and cringe. I've evolved so much since then. I realize they're some good videos and it was good practice. But it wasn't a happy time for me. We could release it, but I'm not proud of it. I've grown.

Post 17:

At the moment, I'm the best I've ever been. I'm on fire. It took years of practicing, and practicing, and practicing to become as excellent as I am now. Also, nearly coming off the psychiatric medications leveled me up as a performer. I'm just rocking and rolling. Really shining.

Post 18:

Sorry, everyone. I was getting sick and delusional, living in daydreams, for the past few days? Weeks? Months? Tonight I feel pretty good. Maybe it's because I got out and actually socialized with people today. How about that - human interaction gives you a grasp on reality.

Post 19:

I read between the lines and understood what to take down. :P

Post 20:

Thanks for helping me evolve out of the manchild superhero and pro wrestling Hot Topic look. I have no idea why my father was encouraging that to a 30 year old, was it to make me a laughing stock? Or is that cool to him? You've helped me evolve into a MAN.

Post 21:

My father would take it personally when I'd say I don't really like superhero movies or pro wrestling that much anymore as if I just said the most offensive thing ever. Really weird. People evolve, grow out of things. Grown men shouldn't be into sensationalistic entertainment.

Post 22:

How old are you really? Have you been following me since 2008 Audio and Anarchy? Did I know you before that? Were you "Ed?" Did we talk at Stony Brook University? Are you the same person who went to the Fountain House? Frankly, it's all you, just with a different look.

Post 23:

I can be very cool, but then proceed to do something very cringe-worthy. Thanks for educating me as to where the cringe was. Although I did get a little embarrassed, not going to lie. I did understand your message even though you didn't say it. I know you're trying to help me.

Post 24:

I'll continue to think of you as Bun Bun, a fellow psych patient, who is 13 years older than me, and living in poverty. Though, you're the sweetest. When we interacted I thought of us as peers and equals. You were helping me grow. We viewed mental health staff as being "above us"

Post 25:

It was actually pretty clever, instead of coming to me as a billionaire supermodel. Obviously, that'd make me insecure and feel inadequate, you came to me as Bun Bun instead. We had a lot of fun during our time together. We should really get together again as soon as possible.

Post 26:

When people lie, it's hard to know what's real and what's fantasy. Though, you know me very well, Bun Bun. I know you, but don't actually know a lot about the real you. Have you done things I'm not going to like? Or have you been true-blue, my best friend this whole entire time?

Post 27:

I can SUSPECT who you may or may not have been involved with based on hints you've given me, but how do I know the hints weren't a lie? Until you literally tell me you dated Elon Musk, STOP DAYDREAMING THAT'S REALITY. You may not even know him. Though, I kind of know you do.

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