Thursday, February 2, 2023

Some Posts (02 01 2023 - 02 02 2023)

Post 01:

As entertaining as it'd be to have a sensationalistic pro wrestling matchup, the people who were aware but didn't save me I get along well with present day. I probably would've gotten along with them back then too. The lost time I experienced is just unfortunate.

Post 02:

Even though I was hurt and made into a laughing stock by so many different people. Even though I could be angry and bitter. I'm still nice to people. I treat people kindly even to this day. I'm not a mean-spirited jerk like the bullies are. I'm a good person with a good heart.

Post 03:

It's really upsetting to come to the realization that I'm financially dependent on my parents. I'm a 35-year-old disabled adult-child.

Post 04:

My behavior definitely contributed to me being a disabled adult-child. I needed to take-control of my life, work hard, and make myself a winner.

Post 05:

Others contributed to my situation by making me into a laughing stock and controlling me.

Post 06:

I did have the power to change my life. Nobody was holding me as a prisoner.

Post 07:

Money and success make life easier. I'm living at my mother's house. Get upset by the lost time. I blame my parents for my failure. But it's my fault.

Post 08:

I need to accept reality - no matter how bad it is - and try to not go into emotional temper tantrum daydream tsunamis over it.

Post 09:

My delusions correlate with emotion. 99.9% of the time I'm happy and chipper Andrew. .1% of the time I get emotional. Rather than say "the delusions have passed." Maybe I should try saying instead - the emotions have passed. I've calmed down.

Post 10:

When you have no life as I did, therapy sessions can be the best part of your week. I found CBT a lot of fun. I loved learning about my mind. I felt listened to and heard.

Post 11:

Although psychopharmacology and a psychiatrist who prescribes medications can be necessary. I think a lot of my mental illness comes from trauma. It's good to feel listened to. Prescribing medicines to numb the mind doesn't feel as warm and empathic. Almost barbaric.

Post 12:

People can stay in abusive relationships because of financial dependency on their partner. If they have a child with their abuser, the child often has to live in a chaotic warzone and can become mentally ill just like his parents. Everyone looks at them like the "crazy family."

Post 13:

Fear can be a great motivator. Not too much fear that you're paralyzed. But just enough, where you think you might fail then come back with determination to make yourself the ultimate winner.

Post 14:

In psychiatric sessions and recovery groups, I can rant and rave. Sometimes nobody is listening. I just like to hear myself talk. I literally talked into a camera all alone for years and posted the videos on social media. So even if everyone tunes me out, who cares?

Post 15:

I'm a very dramatic person. I remember many years ago, I sent a friend a text. He said if he received the same text from a more serious friend he'd think he was in crisis and would be very concerned. Coming from me, he's not even slightly worried because of how I like attention.

Post 16:

A source of stress is being isolated and interacting with no one. I'm financially dependent on my parents and not making any money. I have emotional arguments with my mother and father and can react emotionally. I can get OCD contamination fears and irrational panic attacks. 

Post 17:

In the past, I'd cope with stress my losing myself to the tsunami and making emotional decisions. I could make big mistakes that I later regret.

Post 18:

In the future, I'll cope in a more positive way. I'll think rationally. I'll calmly handle stressors. I'll meet friends and live in the real world. 

I could maybe get a job to become financially independent. Though, a job where I'm using my brain, not my brawn. 

Post 19:

Corporate America can be cut-throat. If you have a job and you're having a bad day - they'll could fire you. Even college which you pay for - they could suspend you. When it comes to mental health recovery groups, if you're having a bad day they're empathic - try again tomorrow.

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