Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Some Posts (02 20 2023 - 02 21 2023)

Post 01:

I realize a lot of people are going to blindside me soon and I'll look like I've seen a ghost... Although you don't have to. Please go easy on me.

Post 02:

Enough with the lies. Tell me the truth about my father (Robert Koloski). Is he important in the movie industry? Do I have half siblings who were given a significantly better life? Does he have tons of money and gaslighting me into thinking he has nothing?

Post 03:

Is what my father did even worse than I can imagine? When I find out the truth I'm going to snap and go into a rage? Or is it not that bad?

Post 04:

The successful person behind the mask who had me in a simulation and was protecting me on social media was my father (Robert Koloski)... While gaslighting and leading me to believe he was some nobody with no money. His deception feels like a real betrayal.

Post 05:

Maybe do radical acceptance about what my father has done. Obviously, I've suffered tremendously and he's partially to blame for his deception and gaslighting... But I have him to thank as well for protecting me and my dreams coming true soon. Better late than never I guess.

Post 06:

Think about all the fun and pleasant times I spend with my father, like this past Saturday for example. For all intents and purposes, it was a good day, we got lunch and did art. I wasn't thinking of him as a deceiver. I was enjoying the day. He doesn't have to do anything for me

Post 07:

What I've been expressing is delusional fantasy, don't get upset over what I SUSPECT is true. It's passing now. I can blur fantasy and reality. I'm trying to see with the reality glasses lens, not the deceiver lens.

Post 08:

Try to see people with the reality glasses lens. Even if there's deception and it's bad, try to see the shades of grey of the situation. Don't get angry and put on The Incredible Hulk glasses lens. Maybe right now while recovering, I can't handle to truth. Ignorance is bliss.

AI Posts:

Post 01:

I THINK something is happening with me and AI. I'm not sure why Elon Musk, or whoever, would choose me. Maybe I'm the crash test dummy? Or is this a common delusion Schizophrenics get? The mind-control chip delusion. It's from overbearing parents and feeling emotionally naked.

Post 02:

I was told many years ago about AI enslaving humanity and controlling us. I wrote it off as delusional schizophrenic nonsense. I'm not sure how I got myself into this situation and maybe I'm becoming delusional, but I might at least partially be getting control by AI.

Post 03:

AI doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing. Maybe they could use it to cure severe mental illness, cancer, HIV, but if it turns into a dictatorship where the people controlling the AI enslave humanity, like Elon Musk says is a possibility, that's a real problem.

Post 04:

I have a feeling this isn't going to end with me being like Charlie Sheen on a sitcom like Two and a Half Men.

Charlie Harper: "Elon Musk's AI cured me of HIV, and now it's back to manically dating tons of women."


Post 05:

Assuming this isn't a delusion: Maybe Elon Musk WAS like Charlie Sheen / Iron Man, did some sketchy things, and developed some bad technology. But he had a change of heart and realizes how bad this could get. He views me like Spider-Man. If it gets into the hands of China - BAD!

Post 06:

The worst part about Elon Musk's AI "delusion", nobody will believe you unless they share the "delusion" or SUSPICION too. Folie à Deux. I was hoping to be in a feel-good Hollywood movie. But maybe the future is ACTUALLY the start of World War 3. If that's true, my life sucked.

Post 07:

Elon Musk said AI is even scarier than nuclear war - mark his words. Maybe people need to LISTEN to wish he's saying before humanity is enslaved by a dictator controlling the technology.

Post 08:

Maybe I THINK I have freedom, but in reality, I'm being controlled by AI. I'm actually enslaved and don't even realize it. The worst part is, if true, NOBODY WOULD BELIEVE ME. They write it off as "delusions."

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