Sunday, February 5, 2023

Some Posts (02 04 2023 - 02 05 2023)

Post 01:

I think they wanted me to get very angry. If that happened they'd justify what they did to me as me being a "lunatic."

Instead, I became sad, sick to my stomach, and depressed by the betrayal, which makes the bullies look like monsters.

It's horrible. They had bad intentions.

Post 02:

My father makes more "getting assainated by a hitman" references than normal. Pehaps because he had a richer, more famous family, and because I was so sick - maybe they were going to get someone to kill me to silence me. Not sure why they changed their minds. It could've happened

Post 03:

Kind of like the Vince McMahon limousine storyline explosion back in 2007, I was in a daze, mentally ill, and out of it. I'd be oblivious, then they'd silence me without me even seeing it coming.

Post 04:

Don't let the daydreams/delusions turn into Owen Hart being my biological father. Catch it, check it, change it. There I go again.

Post 05:

Unfortunately, I struggle with a thought disorder where I blur fantasy and reality. Most people when they daydream, they know they're daydreaming. One of my biggest struggles is sometimes my daydreams become real. I can't tell it's fantasy. This is also called delusions.

Post 06:

Although some people thought of Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys as a freak, when I was 20-years-old I thought he was so badass. I feel self-conscious like a loser. Maybe there's some attractive 20-year-old women who are fascinated with me because they see me as an artistic genius.

Post 07:

It's probably the mentally ill women who are fascinated and in love with me. Basically, I'm a Rockstar to the mentally ill women. However, that doesn't change the fact that I'm attractive and Mr Suave. If you have your life together - I'm not for you. You need to be a mess too.

Post 08:

Bun Bun, I really need your help ASAP please.

Post 09:

I'm sorry I wasn't there for you during your dark time last year. I'm sure you were and still are hurting. I feel badly about it. There's really no excuse.

Post 10:

I was a bad friend, but I don't know why you'd want me to suffer. I certainly want nothing but the best for you. I'm going to try dating other women now. It'll be hard to move on from you. You're who I want. You've made it clear you don't want a relationship since December 2021.

Post 11:

I actually have a pretty big bruise where they drew blood a few days ago. According to the internet, that's not uncommon. Maybe they were struggling to find the vein because I'm so skinny.

Post 12:

I'm not feeling good when it comes to my mental health. I'm in pain, feel alone, like nobody cares or hears me. I'm not sure if the Depakote is making me depressed or being traumatized from the psychiatric hospital. But I really need a friend, someone to genuinely comfort me.

Post 13:

I'm reaching out to people because I'm in so much pain. It's feels like I don't relate to anyone anymore. I'm trying to smile, be happy, not get emotional, not cry. It's getting very hard to remain strong. I'll keep fighting. Better days are coming. My best days are ahead of me.

Post 14:

I'd like a girlfriend. I'm unstable. She might be unstable if I met her in the recovery group. My intentions would be good, but it could be a recipe for disaster. Just because two people suffer from mental illness, does that mean they are unworthy of love? Love is a NEED.

Post 15:

I feel like nobody loves me.

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