Monday, January 22, 2024

Emails, Dr. Garrett, January 2024, Fantasy And Reality (01 22 2024)

My Email:

Jan 22, 2024, 8:16 AM

Time to repeat myself... They belong in a poor person's prison. It shouldn't matter if they're rich and powerful. Lock them up!

Just because someone has money and power should they be above the law? Absolutely not! Especially if what they've done is BLATANTLY CRIMINAL. I have no sympathy if they wind up in prison. They didn't care I went to the poor person's psychiatric hospital. Enjoy your vacation!

I was asked: who are "they"? It's not my parents. They're not the bane of my existence soupe du jour today. I SUSPECT they exist and tortured me. However, maybe I'm coming to a feeling of conviction about a conspiracy which I SUSPECT IS TRUE. There's no evidence confirming this.

Just like how you have a temperature and are ill if you have the flu. Coming to a feeling of conviction about a nefarious conspiracy is a symptom of my schizoaffective disorder. It's hard to go against what my convictions are but that's what I must do because they're DELUSIONAL.

The truth is I often can't distinguish between fantasy and reality. I daydream. When most people realize this idea is fantasy - they fight off the daydream. For me, because I've been solitary and alone in my head - my fantasy becomes reality. Then I act on my daydreams/delusions.

When most people daydream it'd be fun to be a rich and famous movie star but if they're working for minimum wage as a cashier they know they're not rich and famous. Fantasy becomes reality for me and I'm CONVINCED I'm about to become extremely rich and famous from social media.

Dr. Garrett's Email:

Jan 22, 2024, 8:33 AM


Yes, SUSPICIONS and CONVICTIONS are symptoms of your psychological condition, not gateways to the truth.  Your SUSPICIONS and CONVICTIONS occupy a great deal of your mental energy that could be put to more effective use socializing with real people in the real world.  When your are absorbed with SUSPICIONS and CONVICTIONS  your life becomes an illusion. 

Dr G

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