Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Hidden Reality (01 24 2024)

There's obviously a hidden reality about late 2019 - January 2020 that they refuse to tell me.

Even if it's as bad as I imagine, which is they were gaslighting me about HIV to make me irrationally afraid... Then I had a panic attack and took PrEP. Assuming PrEP wasn't premeditated - I'm going to be so fucking enraged. This is why they continue to lie.

No one has told me there's a hidden reality about late 2019 - January 2020. Actually, they tell me I'm getting SUSPICIONS then coming to a FEELING OF CONVICTION over the hidden reality that I SUSPECT is true. It's a persecutor delusion. They're my FRIENDS and FAMILY, not monsters

Seriously though, why am I imagining there's a really bad hidden reality. They were sadistically bullying me, tarring and feathering me, dehumanizing, and humiliating me... Then their bullying led to me having a panic attack and taking HIV PrEP. This is just what I SUSPECT.

These monsters lives and careers should be ruined for what they did. At the very least, they should get sued. I feel they belong in a poor person's prison because it led to me going to the poor person's psychiatric hospital. It's a pipe dream to think they'll face consequences.

There's obviously a hidden reality. But they just refuse to confirm or corroborate it. Then they gaslight and victim blame me.

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