Friday, January 12, 2024

HIV Scare (01 12 2024)

Did these psychopaths really gaslight me into taking HIV PrEP? Tell me the truth. It's obvious there's a hidden reality. It was obviously premeditated. I wish somebody would just admit the truth.

There's clearly a hidden reality and they intended to get me to take HIV PrEP to torture me. It made me feel defective and damaged. It made me feel HIV positive. I'm going to turn into the Kurt Angle meme when they tell me it's true and they all know it. So they lie to me.

The HIV scare is no accident. Someone INTENDED to torture me. I know they say there's no evidence of anything nefarious. It's just my SUSPICIONS that there's a hidden reality. Come on! It couldn't be more obvious something secret was going on. Sadly, nobody tells me what it is.

My friends and family say no one wants or wanted to hurt me. I SUSPECT something nefarious happened in late 2019 and January 2020. I WANT THE TRUTH ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED. It feels like they're lying to me. Maybe they are telling me the truth? I don't believe they are, though.

I need to catch it, check it, change it and realize I'm having an emotional tsunami. No one hurt me with PREMEDITATED INTENT. I SUSPECT someone did. But there's no evidence this is true. No one has corroborated anything. I just SUSPECT somebody hurt me INTENTIONALLY.

The problem is I know they're lying. They know I know they're lying. They continue to lie. I WANT THE TRUTH. Enough is enough. Tell me what happened so I can recover. It's obvious there's a hidden reality and I'm not "delusional." Someone INTENDED to hurt me.

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