Friday, April 28, 2023

Dr. Garrett Posts (04 28 2023)

Post 01:

I can handle a lot, especially the intentions were not nefarious. I'm a very forgiving person. But if the HIV scare was intentionally done to hurt me, I'll likely fly into a rage and legitimately snap. I want the truth. No sugar-coating. No revisionist history. Tell me the TRUTH!

Post 02:

I really want to believe the HIV scare was accidental and they all love me and feel badly about it because I love them. They're "pranks", but sometimes they can go way too far. I just want to think no one INTENDED for January 2020 to happen. It was just a sad day and month.

Post 03:

They're definitely sexual sadists who get pleasure from my suffering. How bad is what they've done? Are they psychopaths who intentionally planned to give me an HIV scare, get me to take PrEP, to make me feel HIV positive? That's not "hot" or "funny." That's serial killer stuff!

Post 04:

As the Aristotle proverb says, "liars when they speak the truth are not believed."

Even if they did not INTEND to give me the HIV scare, or if it was simply Dr. Garrett, I'll have a hard time believing them because they've lied about everything else for my whole life.

Post 05:

I think Dr. Garrett wanted to ruin my relationships with Kelly and my parents. He was PRETENDING TO HELP ME, but was SECRETLY SABOTAGING ME though gaslighting. Or was the HIV scare simply a panic attack and my mental illness? Did Dr. Garrett not intend to metaphorically rape me?

Post 06:

Dr. Garrett saw the shit show on social media and he looks like a doctor with 50 years of credibility. We all look like sensationalistic lunatics and laughing-stocks. The TRUE MONSTER who wanted me to FEEL HIV POSITIVE is Dr. Garrett. It'll just be hard to prove and he'll deny it

Post 07:

Although I FELT LIKE a "loser" and a "burden", my parents didn't see me that way, nobody did. They saw me as a future rockstar and millionaire. Dr. Garrett is the one who wanted to make my feel worthless. Then he began gaslighting me into believing my parents felt this way too.

Post 08:

The SADISTIC MONSTER. The SATAN IMAGE that was being etched into my psyche is Dr. Garrett.

Post 09:

Dr. Garrett knew I wouldn't "be homeless" and had a bright future. So he decided to hurt future metaphoric "John Lennon", then began gaslighting me into believing my loved ones were the MONSTERS. Dr Garrett's actually the SADISTIC SATAN.

Post 10:

What I'm saying about Dr. Garrett is not "ridiculous" or "delusional." He knew I was going to be the next "John Lennon", so he chose to metaphorically murder me INTENTIONALLY and thought I'd never realize what he had done.

Post 11:

I tell myself that I need my parents. While I love them, I can be independent without them. Grow up. Get a job. Don't be a burden. I should get well mentally and get a job. Put in the resume.

Post 12:

I want a dream job as an artist and movie star... But I could try to get a job in marketing. Hollywood is very competitive. It's an unrealistic pipe dream. Why would I want to stock shelves when I think I should be a late night talk show host?

Post 13:

If my mother said, I'll sell the house and focus on becoming a movie star from social media, I'd think she's crazy. She has adult responsibilities. 

Dr. Garrett knew it wasn't a pipe dream and I'd be famous. My mom is a loving two-faced. Dr. Garrett was the monster behind a mask

Post 14:

I can't blame my father, stepfather, mother, Kelly, a "pop star secret admirer" (fantasy?) for Dr. Garrett metaphorically raping me. Even if I try to say they should have been protecting me more, psychiatrists are meant to help people recover from trauma and mental illness.

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