Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Mother, Glass, Half-Empty, Half-Full

When it comes to my mother, I can see the glass as "half-empty", other times I see it as "half-full" depending on my emotions at the moment.

I often become angry at my mother. We have a hostilely dependent relationship. I would not like to be treated like a child. When she screams at me, I feel like a burden, I can have emotional tsunamis (delusions) about her...

When I get these tsunamis, I often throw temper tantrums on social media which is why you rarely see positive posts about her. It's my way of blowing off steam.

I could take a walk, go to the mall, or the gym.

Dear Mom,
When you yell at me
I feel upset.
The next time please treat me with respect.
If this happens I'll probably do nothing, but it leads to me going into my inner-daydreamland.

Now it is time for "glass half-full" posts:
To Mom,
Thank you and I mean that sincerely.

I often complain about my life and have spent most of it in solitude. While I desire more friends, she's providing me with a beautiful apartment.

My mother allowed me to perform and do the artwork that'll make me a superstar.

I practiced, practiced, and practiced.

I could've been homeless or in a group home.

Although I have no money at the moment and in the eyes of the U.S.A. "I'm A Bum." I have a feeling pretty soon I'm going to be a voice of a generation like Kurt Cobain or John Lennon.

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