Saturday, March 16, 2024

Hidden Realities, HIV Scare

Now I don't know what the hidden realities actually are, I do suspect maybe things took place in my youth that I don't have a memory of, that are traumatic, and maybe the HIV scare - the HIV "accident" wasn't an accident. Maybe somebody was getting revenge on me for something that transpired many, many years ago. It's just a suspicion - I don't have evidence of this. As they say, don't believe everything you suspect. Let's say hypothetically speaking somebody was getting revenge on me, and let's say hypothetically speaking the person who was getting revenge on me I've been hanging out with, and let's say hypothetically speaking this person confirms and corroborates that he did this to me intentionally. i conspired to give you this accident intentionally. I think, quite frankly, I would quickly transform into The Incredible Hulk and I'd be enraged. Especially because, when it came to Kelly, for example, to think she wasn't actually genuinely my friend. I told her that her family deserves the best. I told her genuinely how she deserves the best. To think she would just hurt me like that - it's the ultimate betrayal. Be calm, cool, and collected. And frankly, have nothing to do with these people. If they would conspire to hurt me like that - just have nothing to do with them. But don't believe everything that I suspect. the evidence is these people are my friends. the evidence is it was an accident. The evidence is I'm coming to a feeling of conviction about hidden realities that I SUSPECT are true. The evidence is no one gaslit and conspired to get me to take PrEP

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