Thursday, March 7, 2024

Psychiatric Hospital (03 07 2024)

Obviously, I do not want the psychiatric hospital... But quite frankly, I don't want to take psychiatric medications.

So basically they did it, they tortured me, but they're like enough is enough - and they're confessing. They feel such overwhelming guilt about putting me in a death camp. Instead of having me die, they see I'm a sweetheart, and they're confessing the truth. 

Or am I really delusional? Have I come down with sickness and need my antipsychotics? Was it not pharmacological abuse? Am I psychotic? Is it really the schizoaffective disorder? Is my mind lying to me? Take my medication compliantly to avoid the psychiatric hospital!

The psychopharmacologist says he NEVER had nefarious intentions. Of course that's what he'll say on record. But also, maybe it's the truth. It's hard to trust people when they've proven themselves untrustworthy. But keep taking my meds. Let's avoid the hospital at all costs.

Even if they're bad hidden realities, maybe it's also not so bad. Maybe I'm like the Brian Wilson of this TEAM. While they wanted to create sensationalistic surfin' songs and were writing Kokomo. I was writing God Only Knows. But Kokomo is the song that went to number 1.

Or maybe it was bad, it was like a death camp, but everyone's trapped out because of how badly it's gotten? They're trying to do the right thing now. Regardless, trust the process and take my psychiatric medications because I don't want to go to the psychiatric hospital.

Maybe EVERYTHING is exactly what it appears to be and I'm living in a solitary fantasy world. There are no bad hidden realities, no one had nefarious intent, take my medication, and socially engage at mental health recovery groups.

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