Friday, March 22, 2024

HIV Scare (03 22 2024)

Let's call a spade a spade here, the HIV scare was PREMEDITATED. They probably gaslit me into taking PrEP too. They had a narrative I was "pure evil" and a "monster." The truth is they were projecting. I have empathy and I'm sensitive. They just didn't want to know the real me.

The problem is if they confess, confirm, and corroborate what we all know is true - I'll be very angry - as I should be. They're afraid it'll become a powder keg. I disagree. I want success. I want a bright future, not to be in jail or the psychiatric hospital. But I'll be ANGRY!

The worst part of the HIV scare is I was at rock bottom, a vulnerable mental patient who needed help, and I trusted a monster with nefarious intentions. I genuinely told her how she deserved the best. I loved her. But she was getting sadistic pleasure from my suffering.

Maybe the reason they're not confessing is there's nothing to confess. Maybe it's my own anxiety, not them gaslighting me into having an HIV scare. I genuinely want to believe that. That's what the evidence is. But let's be real - they did it to me with premeditated intent.

At this point, they'll never admit the hidden realities to me. It's obvious they're lying, gaslighting, and were getting sadistic pleasure from my suffering. Just accept it. The best revenge is to live life well. Don't get angry. Get determined to make myself successful.

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