Monday, March 11, 2024

It's Margot Robbie, Continued

Did Margot Robbie simply not like me? Or was I a humiliation ritual and human sacrifice? Was I supposed to be pharmacologically abused, in solitude, in a communist death camp? Or was she like - it's Vince Russo's fault. You didn't deserve that fate.

Basically, I metaphorically died in the most comedically absurd way possible. Assuming there was no nefarious intent to make me a human sacrifice, and even if there was, everyone feels overwhelming guilt about what happened to me.

Margot Robbie just didn't like me or cared what happened to me - as she should have. But they hated and villainized me because I screwed up the opportunity for us to be rich and famous. I was the GOAT... the scapegoat. Then again, I only suspect this is the hidden reality.

They were torturing me, trying to give me a neurological injury, cancer, and so on. The irony is I hadn't the slightest idea I even knew her while they were having me see movies like The Wolf of Wall Street wall Street and The Fault in Our Stars. That was pretty shitty of them.

It's not Harley Quinn in love with The Joker. It's going to be a big nightmare. When someone OFFICIALLY confirms I'm not "delusional" - puny Bruce Banner, the soy boy, green bunny will EXPLODE into The Incredible Hulk. Be calm, relax, don't react - no matter how bad it is.

Someone said: "Relax. They'll be a smooth landing." I SUSPECT Elon Musk knows of and likes me. For what it's worth, Elon might not be a model, but he's a cool billionaire. if the billionaires got into a celebrity death match - based on his public persona - I'd be rooting for Elon.

Is it as bad as I'm imagining? Let's call a spade a spade here - they were getting sexual pleasure from my suffering. They were trying to kill me while creating a facade they were helping me. It couldn't be more obvious. I want to think it's not true - but it CLEARLY IS.

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