Monday, March 4, 2024

HIV Scare (03 04 2024)

So basically the irony is the HIV scare was really my choice. They wanted to scare me at first, but I was too broken, too at rock bottom. Basically, they went easy on me and were trying to have mercy on me. They were trying to give me a little bit of a scare. I have a family member who is so obsessed with asbestos that if you gave him an auspicious scare this person would go completely crazy from it. That's kind of what happened with me. I went insane. I was too vulnerable. I was too much of a mental patient. Ultimately, I was so sick. i was just so mentally ill. And nobody did it to me. Nobody has premeditated intent to torture me or get me to take PrEP. I just did it to myself. It's tragic really, but actually, they weren't giving me a receipt for anything. It really was, unfortunately, my decision. I was like a rabid animal. I was really sick, really mentally ill, and nobody did it to me. They originally wanted to, but I was too weak, too vulnerable, too much of a mental patient to just hurt. They were like, yeah we can't do this... And I basically wound up hurting myself accidentally.

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