Thursday, March 7, 2024

Psychiatric Medication

I'm just going to be completely honest with you here, I don't want to take any psychiatric medication and that includes the abilify. However, I'd rather take injectable then go in the psychiatric hospital. Am I really delusional? If not, then why do I need the abilify?

I think the reason they want me medicated, is not that I'm delusional, it's because they're afraid of me when I find out the truth. But seriously, anybody who finds out what the hidden reality was has a right to be very upset.

Maybe the hidden realities aren't as bad as I'm imagining, but then again, maybe they are. Regardless, I do not want to take psychiatric medication. That's really what I feel. However, I just do not want to go to the psychiatric hospital. My ultimatum is injectable or hospital.

Are they creating a facade they were trying to help me, but secretly they were sabotaging me because they thought I was a monster and pure evil? However, it turns out I'm a good guy with a nice heart. The irony is I'm the sweetest guy there is.

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