Sunday, March 3, 2024

Kelly was a monster behind a mask

So Kelly was really a monster behind a mask who intentionally hurt me with premeditated intent? She gaslit me into taking PrEP and never even liked me?

I think the betrayal by Kelly is even worse than the mental trauma of feeling defective and damaged. I trusted her. Thought she was genuinely my friend. Told her how she deserves the best. And she gave me an HIV scare with premeditated intent to torture me. It makes me feel sick.

It is what it is. You can't revise history and make reality something it's not. They weren't doing ludicrous Breaking Good. They were torturing me like I was in a death camp. Everyone has tapped out - is trying to bring this in for a smooth landing - but sadly, it's the truth.

Even Kelly feels sick about what she did. I was a vulnerable mental patient at rock bottom who was reaching out to her for help and she metaphorically set me on fire. She didn't imagine it would get this sad. Or maybe I'm projecting Kelly isn't a psychopath onto her?

They were making me feel worthless, pharmacologically abusing me, trying to give me cancer, then when I was crying out for love they metaphorically killed me at the Fountain House. They used and discarded me like a piece of trash. That's the sad truth.

They TORTURED ME WITH PREMEDITATED INTENT. Like my father said, smile. Blessings are coming my way. He isn't on team Lady Gaga. He isn't on my mother's side. And he too likes sensationalistic shit shows.

It is as bad as I'm imagining, correct? Smile. Breaking Good is the way to go, even if they had nefarious intent in 2019. So Kelly planned to give me an HIV scare? I genuinely hope Kelly didn't betray me. But you can't make reality something it isn't.

Even if I was a human sacrifice because of Lady Gaga... the essential Blue Blazer collection is going to be epic and hilarious.  

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